End of an Era

April 5, 2012

After 19 years, I’m not painting on glass anymore. I’m tired of the solvents, tired of wearing a respirator.
I’m ready to do something else.

Have you always wanted one of my reverse glass paintings?
I have about 25 paintings left. Now’s your chance.

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Fall Open Studio

October 29, 2011

I love this time of year.  I love the soft light, and looking forward to the All Souls Procession.  I love riding my bike around and serendipitously running into friends.  I love sleeping on the back porch when the nights are finally chilly.

I’ll be on the  Tucson Pima Arts Council’s Fall Studio Tour, so come by.
Saturday and Sunday, November 12 and 13, from 11AM-5PM.
The studio is in the backyard at 522 S Fifth Avenue in downtown Tucson.

Most of the work I have right now is the new work I’ve been doing with maps, but expect some surprises too.
If it’s chilly I’ll have a fire in the outdoor fireplace all day.

Maximize your joy and do the Studio Tour is on a bike! Let me know you rode your bike and I’ll have a special present for you.



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Tucson Rocks!

October 5, 2011

Tucson Museum of Art is putting on a city wide celebration of rock and roll: Tucson Rocks.

I engraved a handful of vintage silverplate tableware with some favorite musicians, and they’ll be for sale at the Tucson Museum of Art gift shop. 100% of  proceeds will go to the Museum.

There’s a set of six dessert forks with the Beatles, Little Richard, and Elvis:

As well as an Elegant Ella Fitzgerald serving fork and a spoon (I think of it as a purse spoon) with Aretha Franklin, Queen of Soul:

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Spoonbombing with Forks? OK……

September 23, 2011

I’m all excited about Cafe Passe’s Oktoberfest this weekend.  Beer in the garden, live music.
Sausage salad? I’m there!
I made a set of forks and spoons  especially for the event, and I’ll be spoonbombing them tomorrow afternoon at Cafe Passe.

Wurst is Best!
Cafe Passe SpoonbombingIf you find one I’d love to hear the story.

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Spoonbombing: Irene from Spain Checks In

August 15, 2011

I’m so excited! I heard back from someone who found one of my Spoonbombing spoons.
This came in my mailbox:

” My name is Irene and I am from Spain, although I have lived in England. I am traveling for a month I just happen to have found one of your lovely spoons. I stayed in a Hi hostel California and I bought a water melon. I wanted to eat it at the beach so I borrowed one of the spoons from the hostel. Then I have to change hostel next day and I forgot about the spoon. Having a look to it more carefully I realised that maybe someone from the hostel had written something on it, but I had a second check and noticed that it was quite good for been just anyone. It seems like and artist job. I was very curious and I had a look to the website and just found this. I am very happy!!!

Here’s the mysterious part: I left that spoon in the Pigeon Point Hostel near San Francisco several weeks before Irene found it in the Santa Monica Hostel. It traveled!

Irene and Her Spoon

Irene and Her Spoon. It says “YAY! Lovey Dovey” on it.


Irene, I am very happy too! Thank you for writing to me, and for traveling the world and paying attention to the little details in it.

Point Loma Spoons

The spoons I left at Point Loma


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Kindness: All proceeds to the Humane Society of Southern Arizona

July 1, 2011

I LOVE this painting.
It’s called Kindness, and I made it in honor of Paulus’s dog Clay, a huge old yellow rescue mutt with a huge kind heart. We really did put whipped cream on his food to entice him to eat.

Clay died two years ago, and I still miss him.

Clay was terrified of thunder and fireworks.
Once I was bringing groceries into the house in the middle of a thunderstorm. I put some bags down on the kitchen counter  and saw Clay cowering at the booming  thunder, in fear for his life. I tried to comfort him, but there is nothing a human can say to a dog who believes that the apocalypse has really truly arrived.
I had to make one more trip to the truck for one more bag of groceries. When I went back outside, Clay followed me closely out to the truck and back, covering me the whole way.
Brave heart! Clay believed I was in mortal danger, and he was risking his life to protect me from his deepest fear: thunder. I always remembered that about him, that he was willing to risk his life to keep me safe.

Now comes the season of fireworks and thunderous monsoons.
It’s the scariest time of the year for a lot of dogs. It’s common to see them running lost in the street on July 5th, or after big storms. The Humane Society helps reunite them with their people.

I have had this reverse glass painting for sale for $600.
I am ready to sell it and will  donate the entire sale amount to the Humane Society of Southern Arizona, in honor of dear courageous Clay, and of you the buyer.
Since several people said they were interested, I have decided to auction it so it makes the maximum amount for the Humane Society.
Bidding starts at $300. Send me your bid with the contact form here on the site. I will accept payments over time.

It measures 22″ x 17″

Contact me if you’re interested.








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Work up at Cushing Street Family Practice

June 1, 2011

I love  hanging my paintings in places where people find a still point in their day, those tranquil places where we have nothing to do but sit for a minute or two in the quiet.

This afternoon I was delighted to hang three paintings on the cool adobe walls of the waiting room at Cushing Street Family Practice.

Go have a look and say hello. They’re at 58 W Cushing Street, in the Barrio Viejo, just south of  Downtown Tucson.
Thank you Molly Wheelwright, P.A. and Ricci Silberman, P.A.

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